2018. 12. 17. 23:38 GAME
[SUPERCELL/MOBILE] 슈퍼셀 신작 게임 브롤 스타즈

요즘에 브롤스타즈를 클래시로얄안에서 엄청나게 광고를 떄리고 있습니다.

슈퍼셀 게임은 일단 평타이상은 된다고 생각하기때문에, ​

앱스토어에 접속했드니 브롤스타즈가 대문짝만하게 떠있습니다.

아이콘이 노란 해골이네요.​

GET을 눌러 다운로드 합니다.

로딩화면, 캐릭터 3명 스타일이 이질감이 많이 느껴짐, 루시우같음

튜토리얼같은 게임을 강제로 시킵니다.

보석 모으기, 저에게 이동하는 방법을 알려주고 싶은가봅니다.

이젠 총을 쏘고 있습니다. 역시 예상을 1도 벗어나지 않는 진부한 플레이~

조작법은 어렵지 않습니다. 옛날에 하던 건브로스가 생각나네요. 

궁극기?는 아닌거같고 주기마다 쎄게 때릴 수 있는 공격 방법이 있네요.

컴퓨터5마리와 저랑 3:3을 먹고 게임을 했습니다.

당연히 사람이 이기는것

제폰이 영어로 설정되어있어서 영어로 나오고 있었네요.

설정에 가면 한글로 변경할 수 있습니다.

한글로 바꾸고 스킨을 받았습니다. ㅂㅅ같이 생겼어요 ㅎㅎ

머리통에 다들 눈깔 하나씩? 있는 캐릭터를;; 자꾸주냐;;;

이 게임에도 일일 보상같은게 있네요.

일일 보상을 받으며 랜덤으로 뜨는 아이템을 현질 할 수 있게 되어있습니다.

제 캐릭터 입니다. 다들 처음엔 똑같겠죠.

일단 화면자체는 심플?하다못해 초라해보인다고 해야하나;;;

게임은 더 해봐야 알겠지만 제점수는요 100점만점에 60점?

2018. 10. 30. 23:13 GAME/STARCRAFT
[STARCRAFT] 전직 프로게이머 이영호의 멘탈이 나감, 빠무의 썩은물

1:1 빠른무한 고수방을 만들어서 게임시작.

순조롭게 게임이 진행되던 도중 상대방의 하템드랍 스톰으로 일꾼 다 터짐.

영호 당황.

고수 - "빈틈투성이구나/"

하템드랍 스톰 후 상대방의 1차 도발.

영호 1차 빡침.

이후 시즈드랍으로 복수를 하려 했으나 건물 몇개 터트리고 실패.

고수 - "어디서못된것만 배워가ㅣㅈ고 귓해 스타알려줄게"

영호 - "이새X가..."

상대방의 2차도발.

영호 2차 빡침.

고수 - "너스알못이구나?"

게임 후반부 영호가 점점 불리해지자 상대방의 3차도발 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

고수 - "야진짜미안한데 치킨왔다 미안하다"

고수 - "고수가되서 다시찾아와라 gg"

||||||||||||||||||님이 게임에서 나갔습니다.

그러던 중 상대방이 정말 유리한데 갑자기 치킨 왔다면서 탈주 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

"이 씨이이이이ㅣ이이ㅣX아아아


2014. 2. 14. 11:01 GAME/STARCRAFT
[STARCRAFT/스타] 스타크래프트1 브루드워 베틀넷 요즘 모습, Starcraft Broodwar Battlenet

유즈맵이 퀴즈퀴즈로 진화해버린 상황

자세히보면 우리나라가 물 부족국가가 아님을 일깨워주는,

유즈맵 제작자의 깊은뜻이 담겨있습니다.

닭, 잉여 대가리들과 피쉬섭의 레드리치 ㅋㅋ

미생물 수준의 뇌

중국의 수도가 장안인줄 아는 플레이어 사망

물부족 국가, 우리는 새뇌되었던것이였습니다.

전멸, 물마시러 ㄱㄱ

2010. 7. 10. 18:13 GAME/STARCRAFT
[SC2] 스타크래프트 2 최종 베타 업데이트
어제(7/9) 오랜만에 스타2를 실행시켜봤는데 업데이트를 하더군요ㅋ
혹시나 될까? 했지만 서버는 안열려있습니다.

뉴스에는 11일에 최종 베타가 시작된다고 했는데,
클벤지 오벤지는 모르겠습니다.

업데이트하는데 시간이 꽤 걸리니까 골수팬이라면 미리 업데이트 해놓는게 좋을것 같습니닿

2010. 6. 21. 04:56 GAME/STARCRAFT
[SC/MAPHACK] 스타크래프트 맵핵 1.61.1

Starcraft Oblivion 4.06c
스타 맵핵 최신버전 입니다.
사용법은 Insert(Ins)키를 누를때마다 토글됩니다.

Oblivion v4.0.6c Made by Zynastor
Updates available at http://www.gamethreat.net
For Starcraft/Brood War 1.16.1
Release date: January 1st, 2010


- In-Game
F5  Toggle lag defender on/off. (Removes lag box screen)
F6  Toggle auto command repeat. (/fr command for faster repeat)
F7  Carry out last build command on selected worker. (Useful for UMS)
F8  Add/Remove unit for auto queue/upgrade.
Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for auto queue/upgrade.
F9  Toggle global auto queue on/off.
Ctrl + F9 Toggle global auto upgrade on/off.
Ctrl + F10 Toggle subunit auto queue on/off. (Carriers & Reavers)
F12  Toggle five-state stat hack forwards.
Ctrl + F12 Toggle five-state stat hack backwards.
~ / Alt  Select all units of the same type that are currently selected. (Excludes workers)
Ctrl + ~ / Alt Same as above but is used for workers and loaded transports/overlords.
Delete  Toggle in-game message log.
Ctrl + Delete Change page for message log.
Pause  Pause/Resume game.
Insert  Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
Ctrl + Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards.
Ctrl + LMC (Left Mouse Click on "Idle" text) Select idle worker.
Shift  Hold key when building to keep cursor set and ready to go again.


- In-Game
/kill  Kill selected workers.
/load  Load selected units into transports/overlords.
/m  Display how much workers each player has mining minerals.
/s  Display the stack count of current selected. (How many stacked minerals, I wonder?)

- In-Game + Lobby
/mh [num] Set maphack state. (1=off,  2=lite, 3=full)
/tclicks  Toggle maphack target clicks on/off. (Default off)
/reveal  Toggle reveal invisible on/off. (Default on)
/sh  Toggle selection hack on/off.
/fr  Toggle faster repeat on/off.
/apm  Toggle show APM counter on/off.
/automine Toggle worker auto mine on/off.
/autogas  Toggle auto mine gas on/off.
/nukealert Toggle nuclear missile alert on/off.
/autounally Toggle auto unally on/off. (Default off)
/list  Show a list of players. (Player id - Race | Slot id - IP)

- Lobby
/swap [id] [id] Swap one player with another. (Must be game host)

- Channel
/ff  Toggle friend follow on/off.
/ff [name] Enable friend follow and follow target player.
/profile [name] View a players profile.
/spoof [name] Spoof a custom name. (Supports color)
/spoof [num] Spoof a saved name from list. (1 to 5)
/sn [num] Save spoof name to list. (1 to 5)
/dn [num] Delete spoof name from list. (1 to 5)
/ln  List saved spoof names.
/rn  Restore current spoof name to original name.
/cn  Display current spoof name.
/ar  Toggle auto respoof on/off. (Default on)

- Global
/wb  Whisper back to last whispered person.

Other features

Host identifier for lobby. (Host has red download status)
Auto refresher for hosted game. (Game is refreshed every 6 seconds)
Slot unlocker for lobby. (Remove computer player(s). and go them yourself)
Start a game without any opponents.
Stay in game even after being defeated.
Show map download status at all times.
Save screenshots as bitmap's rather than PCX.
In-game system and elapsed timers.
Selection hack with mass select hotkey. (Select upto 252 units)
Maphack with safe clicks and state hack.
Name spoofer with temp ip ban protection.
Ally alert with auto unally/unvision.
Nuclear missile alert with map ping on nuke attempt. (Not launch)
Rally point changer hack detection. (Alerts once)
Ping ghost on 'Nuclear launch detected'.
In-game message log that holds upto 32 messages.
Chat logger for channel, lobby and in-game.
Automatically re-queue units. (Auto queue)
Automatically re-queue upgrades. (Auto upgrade)
Automatically create a worker on map begin.
Automatically mine minerals on map begin and on unit create.
Automatically mine gas on refinery completion.
Automatically gain lobby ops. (Host hack)
Alliance menu player names are in ally status color.
Color player name notifications. (Pause/Leave/Latency change)
Lag screen box timer always set to 1 second. (Safe quick drop)
On-screen map max counter. (Shows at 400 and under)
On-screen worker idle detection.
On-screen APM counter.
Show enemy minimap pings.
Minimap pings are in player color. (Yellow is unknown/default)
Build anywhere on most terrain with lights off.
Remove warning messages. (Unit unplaceable)
Auto join home channel on battle.net login.
Sprite crash protection. (Protects against invalid sprites)
Subunit crash protection.
Anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)
Alert and protection against astat flooding exploit.
Auto-hide leaderboard when stats hack is on.
Bypass anti-hack protection when connecting to battle.net.

Name Spoofer Codes

\B Blue.
\G Green.
\L Light Green.
\D Dark Grey. (Later text cannot be changed)
\W White.
\R Red.
\I Invisible/Black.
\T Tab.
\N New line.
\C Center justify.
\V Right justify.

Detailed information

Protection Against astat Flooding Exploit
When a player joins a game their stats are automatically displayed for you with a /astat server command, so the exploit works by a player forcing you to do many /astat server commands on them within 1 second, causing you to get a temp IP ban from battle.net. My protection will fix this, still allow stats of players to show and alert you if the exploit was used.

Selection Hack
Allows you to group and select up to 252 units or buildings of the same type and displays an on-screen unit counter when selecting over 12 units or 1 building. Use the mass select hotkey ~ / Alt to select all units of the same type that you have currently selected.

This maphack includes safe clicks (client-sided clicks), reveal invisible (cloaked, burrowed, mines, etc), show hallucinations, state hack (view pylon power radius, unit content, upgrades, researches, summonings, energy, build queue) and has three different modes which are full, lite and off, these modes can be toggled using the /mh command or the hotkeys Insert or Ctrl + Insert. However it is still possible for maphack to be detected through invisible target clicks (right clicks), so this feature has been disabled by default and can be toggled on with the /tclicks command.

Name Spoofer
Comes with temp ip ban protection and will allow you to spoof a name of your choice that is 24 characters or less, use the command /spoof in a channel followed by the name you want. To add color to your name use the escape sequence character ' \ ' followed by a color code found under Name Spoofer Codes. It is important to know when spoofing a name if you win or lose it will result in a disconnect on your record, this is no bug and cannot be fixed. Heres an example on how to add color to your name, "/spoof \RZyna\Bstor" this will show your name as "<Red>Zyna<Blue>stor".


Version 4.0.6c
- Fixed Shift key feature for when building with Terran.

Version 4.0.6b
- Fixed a bug with APM counter.

Version 4.0.6
- Added Shift key feature for when building.
- Added on-screen APM counter.
- Added all players APM counter to stat hack.
- Added stack counter command. ( /s )
- Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)
- Fixed load command to work with zerg overlord hero.

Version 4.0.5c
- Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)

Version 4.0.5b
- Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)

Version 4.0.5
- Added show hallucinated units to maphack.
- Added reveal invisible to maphack.
- Added friend follow.
- Improved anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)

Version 4.0.4
- Added alert and protection against astat flooding exploit.
- Added auto command repeat with faster repeat.
- Added player profile viewing command.
- Added whisper back command.

Version 4.0.3c
- Fixed a crash bug with auto-mine caused from delay.

Version 4.0.3b
- Fixed a bug that was causing drops on certain maps.

Version 4.0.3
- Added anti-hacker map fix. (Protection against EUD triggers)
- Added delay to auto-mine and auto-create worker on map begin.

Version 4.0.2b
- Updated warden protection.

Version 4.0.2
- Added chat logger for channel, lobby and in-game.
- Added rally point changer hack detection.
- Added configuration option for subunit auto queue.
- Changed lobby auto refresher time from 5 to 6 seconds.

Version 4.0.1
- Added mass transport load command.
- Fixed a crash bug with automine on map begin.

Version 4.0.0
- New version of Oblivion.

Contact and Credits

707 - Helping convert and test.
Palomino - Various source code.
PizzaPan - From Game-Deception for PEB module hiding.

Require help or want to report a bug with Oblivion?
Contact Zynastor at zynastor@hotmail.com or goto http://www.gamethreat.net

Copyright © 2010 by Zynastor. All rights reserved.
Starcraft/Brood War Copyright © by Blizzard Entertainment®.

2010. 6. 4. 01:04 GAME/STARCRAFT
[SC2] 베틀넷 접속불가
금단현상이 오고있습니다.
와우점검때도 이렇지는 않았었는데 ㅋㅋ

최근에 올라온 글

최근에 달린 댓글